Sunday, August 9, 2015

Resistance to change

When spirit comes and takes us in a different direction do we allow or resist?
I have found in my life experiences my life just works out better when I allow for the new direction and change to occur.  Oh but how I loved to resist! Upon review of my 60+ years on this earth I can look back in time and pinpoint the consistent thread that brought joy into my life. The interesting piece is it was there from the beginning but of course I had to take this journey in life to realize it and accept it.  
Finally coming to the realization that living a life that does not fit what the soul is about is not really worth all the toil and struggle one goes through to avoid it.  And here is the really good part just being who you are is enough!

Now let me expand on this as there is so much hype about "finding your purpose", Living a spiritual life", etc.  What most do not realize is we are already doing that just by being here. So no matter what your personal situation is at the moment or what change you are currently facing know you are right where you are meant to be and you are who you are meant to be.  So take that deep breath and release all that internal stress you hold on too.

So what are the signs of resistance (struggle) to change.  The road map is there you just have to spot the signs. Conflict usually appears when we are out of integrity with your soul self.   By changing the perspective of how one thinks about the situation may be all that is needed to get back on the right track.   The intensity is more based on how long you have been in resistance and typically with the signs (messages) beginning to manifest .  Now bare in mind these messages come in all shapes and sizes.  Our energetic bodies are the best measurement of resistance as our bodies are like an organic library of not only what we are about but about what has been going on within our energetic structure.  To put this another way. 

The messages first come to us from the spiritual plane and if we understand the message and deal with it there then all is well! Congratulations are in order for Job well done! No resistance and you are on your free flowing path.  However due to our day to day busy lives we indulge in we often are unaware or miss this plane and the message then enters into the mental plane.  Here we begin to experience more of an internal conflict that does not align with our true nature and develop mental issues of various degrees based on how much we are in resistance. Now that we have ignored the spiritual and mental planes our messages are becoming louder and louder and bring us into the emotional plane.  Here all kinds of emotional upsets develop and take hold until we start to deal with the painful message we are receiving. 
If we have shut down our spiritual radar completely and ignored all previous planes then the last plane we enter is the physical plane.  We seem surprised when we develop a physical ailment that we did not have before with all kinds of concerns of where did it come from why is it here and how do I get rid of it.
Hence this is where western medicine of today is so entrenched in blocking true health and healing of the natural true spiritual self. 

Each one of these planes has road blocks (lessons) for us to learn as we maneuver through each plane by taking self-responsibility for our own state of wellness . Of course to make the challenge most interesting this is all going on simultaneously within each of the planes. 

Let me give you a common example: The core issue being relationship
You have taken on a love relationship that was not in alignment with your true nature. On the soul level you had full awareness of this mismatch but as often happens our view of romantic love takes hold and off we go entering into a relationship to learn the lesson of what we truly need and want in a relationship.  Yes there were messages from the start but we did not heed it as our other needs overran our need to align with our true nature.  After a time things start to infiltrate our mental thoughts that something is just not right and we start to become emotionally distressed which manifests in all sorts of issues. However we can no longer ignore how we are feeling about what is showing up in relationship.  Lastly a condition with the heart shows up physically and we place all our attention to find a cure for the physical manifestation instead of dealing with the fact that the relationship we are experiencing is the core cause.   This is why the current model of medical treatment in western society works backwards with unsuccessful results known as the "take a pill" or "band aid" approach.  Now if the relationship ends but do not learn the relationship lesson of our true self we will develop a repetitive pattern of bringing the same type of relationship into our life. 

As a mystic mentor and energetic intuitive I offer services to help you steer the course towards self-healing.  One of the first thing I recommend would be to have a self-evaluation consultation with regards to what you are resisting internally and externally about the situation at hand.  If interested in working with me leave your contact information in the comments and I will connect with you to explain process details.

By the Mystic Mentor

The best relationship you can have and give to others is to know your true self and be congruent with all areas within your daily living.   


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